The Forever Lobbying Project is a cross-border interdisciplinary investigation involving 46 journalists and 29 media partners in 16 countries, with an expert group of 18 international academics and lawyers.
The project received financial support from the Pulitzer Center, the Broad Reach Foundation, Journalismfund Europe, and IJ4EU.

Online team meeting, 19 December 2024.
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France), horel[@]
Luc Martinon (Freelancer, France / Germany), contact[@]
Sarah Pilz (Freelancer, Germany / Denmark)
Team members
Romane Bonnemé (RTBF, Belgium), robo[@]
Zuzana Vlasatá (Deník Referendum, Czech Republic), zvlasata[@]
Staffan Dahllöf (Investigative Reporting Denmark), staffan[@]
Tiina Lundell (YLE, Finland), tiina.lundell[@]
Leopold Salzenstein (Arena for Journalism in Europe / France), leopold.salzenstein[@]
Émilie Rosso (France Télévisions), emilie.rosso[@]
Raphaëlle Aubert (Le Monde, France), aubert[[@]]
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Jose Miguel Calatayud (Freelancer, Germany / Spain), contact[@]
Daniel Drepper (NDR, WDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany), daniel.drepper[@]
Catharina Felke (NDR, Germany),[@]
Johannes Edelhoff (NDR, Germany)
Lea Busch (NDR, Germany),[@]
Nadja Tausche (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany)
Jana Heck (WDR, Germany)
Andrea Hoferichter (MIT Technology Review Germany), anh[@]
Sarah Pilz (freelance, Germany)
Eurydice Bersi (Reporters United, Greece), ebersi[@]
Marco Boscolo (, Italy)
Elisabetta Tola (, Italy)
Laura Fazzini (Lavialibera, Italy)
Marta Frigerio (RADAR Magazine, Italy), frigerio.marta[@]
Gianluca Liva (RADAR Magazine, Italy), liva[@]
Anna Violato (RADAR Magazine, Italy), violato[@]
Jasper Been (Financieele Dagblad, the Netherlands)
Lisa van der Velden (Financieele Dagblad, the Netherlands)
Bijou van der Borst (Investico, the Netherlands)
Simon Dequeker (Investico, the Netherlands)
Emiel Woutersen (Investico, the Netherlands)
Tarjei Leer-Salvesen (Klassekampen, Norway)
Samo Demsar (Oštro, Slovenia)
Matej Zwitter (Oštro, Slovenia)
Antonio Delgado (DATADISTA, Spain)
Ana Tudela (DATADISTA, Spain)
Aleksandra Pogorzelska (Dagens ETC, Sweden), aleksandra.pogorzelska[@]
Daniel Värjö (Sveriges Radio, Sweden), daniel.varjo[@]
Felicitas Flohr (SRF, Switzerland), felicitas.flohr[@]
Maj-Britt Horlacher (SRF, Switzerland), maj-britt.horlacher[@]
Cemre Demircioğlu (The Black Sea, Turkey)
Zeynep Sentek (The Black Sea, Turkey), zeynep[@]
Craig Shaw (The Black Sea, Turkey)
Leana Hosea (Watershed Investigations, UK), leana.hosea[@]
Rachel Salvidge (Watershed Investigations, UK), rachel.salvidge[@]
Media partners’ secure communication platforms
NDR (Germany)
Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany)
Reporters United (Greece)
SRF (Switzerland)

Swedish journalist Daniel Värjö interviewing Herman Afzelius, president of the association PFAS-föreningen in Kallinge, where some residents have some of the world’s highest PFAS levels in their blood, 13 November 2024 (Photo: Aleksandra Pogorzelska).
Editorial and overall coordination
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France) / Project & Lobbying
Raphaëlle Aubert (Le Monde, France) / Cost
Eurydice Bersi (Reporters United, Greece) / Cost
Website coordination
Jose Miguel Calatayud (Freelancer, Germany / Spain)
Eurydice Bersi (Reporters United, Greece)
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Documents and Data coordination
Luc Martinon (Freelancer, France / Germany)
Leopold Salzenstein (Arena for Journalism in Europe, France)
Stress test of the lobbying arguments
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Gary Fooks (University of Bristol, UK)
Jose Miguel Calatayud (Freelancer, Germany / Spain)
Daniel Värjö (Sveriges Radio, Sweden)
Sarah Pilz (Freelancer, Germany / Denmark)
Evaluation of remediation cost
Raphaëlle Aubert (Le Monde, France) / Cost
Eurydice Bersi (Reporters United, Greece) / Cost
Ali Ling (University of St. Thomas School of Engineering, United States)
Hans-Peter Arp (Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway)
Stress test of the lobbying arguments
Gary Fooks, University of Bristol, UK
Evaluation of remediation cost
Ali Ling, University of St. Thomas School of Engineering, United States
Hans Peter H. Arp, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
PFAS experts
Rob Bilott, attorney, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, United States
Ian Cousins, Stockholm University, Sweden
Joost Dalmijn, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jamie DeWitt, Oregon State University, United States
Romain Figuière, Stockholm University, Sweden
Gretta Goldenman, Global PFAS Science Panel, Belgium
Philippe Grandjean, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Dorte Herzke, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway
Marcel Riegel, German Water Center, Germany
Martin Scheringer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Historical documents
Lauren Richter, University of Toronto, Canada
Lieselot Bisschop, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sammie Verbeek, Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AI analysis
Hugo Subtil, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Juliette Jahan de Lestang, École des Mines de Paris, France
Web design and development
Fanis Kollias (Spoovio, Greece)
Benedikt Hebeisen (Arena for Journalism in Europe, Germany)
Eurydice Bersi (Reporters United, Greece)
Dafni Karavola (Reporters United, Greece)
Georgina Choleva (Spoovio, Greece)
English editing
Craig Shaw (The Black Sea, Turkey)
Himanshu Ojha (The Black Sea, Turkey)
Art direction
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Illustrations, collages and FOI art curation
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Tarjei Leer-Salvesen (Klassekampen, Norway)
Civil servants from all over Europe
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde, France)
Drone footage
Dieudonné Pipers (RTBF, Belgium)
Website publisher
Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe, Denmark)
Forever cats and dogs
Athens bus stop cat
Kobayashi Midori
Mara †
The Forever Pollution Project playlist

Kobayashi Midori at an exhibition of Tarjei Leer-Salvesen FOI artwork in January 2025 (Photo: Marta Frigerio).