Dataset and Maps


The Map of Forever Pollution was designed by Raphaëlle Aubert (Le Monde) and the dataset was originally made available on Le Monde’s website.

In July 2024, the National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre national pour la recherche scientifique, CNRS) in France shared an updated, improved version of the dataset, developed by our data journalist Luc Martinon. It includes geolocation coordinates for each site and additional information such as all available PFAS sampling values beyond the six PFAS displayed on the map.

The dataset can be downloaded here.

The Map published by the Forever Pollution Project was last updated on 6 November 2023. To access a more recently updated version of the map, and for enquiries about the data, please contact the PFAS Data Hub, at the CNRS, at pdh.cnrs[@]

The data are freely reusable, as long as you cite the Forever Pollution Project and this webpage, and inform Stéphane Horel (Le Monde) at horel[@]

In April 2024, we published an article in the peer-reviewed scientific journal ‘Environmental Science & Technology’. The article and its supplementary information provide all the details on our methodology and sources.



The Map of Forever Pollution was adapted to the publications of the network by the Project’s media partners:

European maps

  • European map by Deník Referendum / Czech Republic here
  • European map by Reporters United / Greece here
  • European map by YLE / Finland here

National maps

  • National map by The Guardian / UK here
  • National map by Süddeutsche Zeitung / Germany here
  • National map by / Germany here